"Nature has been for me, as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion." — Lorraine Anderson

Monday 16 May 2011


Central Kalimantan has a lot of forest and many kind of plants and animal. So if the forest of Kalimantan is always cut by the people for their own business, they were wrong because they don’t know about the effect of them doing. They will lose a lot of orangutan’s habits and will kill other animal because they don’t have any forest for their live and will make global warming when they are cut the trees and we will lose oxygen , and now the population of plant and animal always decreases and because the effect of logging every month and years, this situation leads to incredible carbon dioxide emissions and annually long lasting fires, causing make a bad effect like smokes, health problems and leaving many people living poverty.. Sometimes when they do the illegal logging they don’t have any certificate for doing the logging, so they just cut the forest like they want and they sell it to the company. and sometimes they don’t think cut the tress that still young and still can’t cut, that’s why the forest can’t grow up until higher and if the rarely animal like orangutans is extinct will be bad because our child or people can’t see the orangutans in the future so make our environment keep clean from the logging air pollution, and burning forest and etc.  ^^ and please keep our environment as good as possible as you can^^.


by: Ade


  1. how about if the people want need woods for their house or their way finding money is from selling the wood?

  2. All of us own this earth together and we have the right to take anything from the world. As all of us have known, the earth is made for us, the human beings. The people who need the woods, can take it if they really need it. One important thing, don't be selfish. Take as many as you need but don't follow your desire of money, think of another people and the world! And if you cut a tree, don't forget to plant another one or two. So, if the old tree had been cut, the other young will grow and provide us oxygen: lives!
